General Information


Available Service Times

Working Hours

Times are in GMT -6: Support services are
within those times. You may shop at your convenience

Follow up appointments

If you have an active case – within the past 2 to  3 months, and you are making a follow-up appointment. Please login via the client portal and make the appointment from your dashboard.

New Clients

Initial appointment (First Visit) – if this describes you, welcome. Kindly visit the SERVICES  section to view our current services. You may use the link in the navigation bar to the left to go to that section. [Please contact us before making an appointment for an onsite service – as it may NOT be a current service]. Once you have decided you want to proceed with making an appointment, you will need to book an e-Consult session with an attendant (A cost is attached). This will allow you ask questions about our services, procedures and get clarity for the way forward.

Use the “e-Consult” button to book your 20 minutes session – only if:

  1. This is your first using our service on this site
  2. You do NOT  have a client (patient) account on our system
  3. You intend to use our services


Lifestyle Services Clients

Coaching packages –  The coaching center is not in operation at this time. However, you can still access lifestyles services through the clinic.

  1. If you are new, follow the process for new clients.
  2. If, you had a case that is closed and you need an appointment for a new goal. Follow the procedure for the new clients. 
  3. If you have not used our current system before follow the procedure for the new clients.

Please use the “Info” button  for more information.