chronic pain card

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain  Management With Holistic Therapy for Improved Outcomes


Hydrotherapy is a procedure that uses water in various forms such as steam, fluid, solid; and at various temperatures such as warm, cold, tepid for providing relief to painful areas in the body and improving physical health and general wellbeing. Hydrotherapy has long been used for treatment and presently is an effective way of treating several chronic conditions.


Simple Yet True and Powerful Benefits of Hydrotherapy

Water has amazing uses; this is because of its unique ability to change states – gas, liquid and solid. When tapped into for treatment purposes, water treatments aids well being by:

Promotes Relaxation

Stiff joints and tense tissues are relaxed with the warmth.
Additionally, less spasms are experienced.


Improves Circulation & Recovery

Rise in the blood flow and increase body temperature
improves circulation and healing.

Improves Immune System

Increase in blow flow, lymph and leucocytes aids waste
removal rapidly and increase innate immune response


Relieves Pain

Hydrotherapy stimulates the production of endorphins,
which is a natural pain reliever.

For Optimal Wellbeing

Overall Hydrotherapy is one of the natural treatments that have the capacity to impact and improve functioning throughout your whole body.


While hydrotherapy is generally safe, having underlying health conditions can put you at risk in various ways. Please speak with your healthcare provider as to your individual options or find a competent, caring and experienced Natural Health Practitioner to answer any questions you have and provide guidance relevant to your current needs.
When considering Hydrotherapy, caution should be taken by persons who have underlying conditions such as diabetics, persons with heart conditions, hypertension, reduced sensitivity etc.


You may contact us and speak with a natural care provider for general information. However, we encourage you to speak with your chosen healthcare provider as to your treatment options.


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